Japan: iPhone4 New Case releases | Japanese Beetle iPhone Case.

The Japanese dads must be excited for this summer as they can finally bring their kids out into the woods. You know how popular beetle hunting is in the country. But after the hunt, what happens to the precious beetles? Strapya thought to save the beetles by putting them on the iPhone case.
It’s like you have a stuffed animal on your iPhone. Only this time, the size makes it possible for you to bring it anywhere and of course, since it’s an iPhone case.

The Japanese dads must be excited for this summer as they can finally bring their kids out into the woods. You know how popular beetle hunting is in the country. But after the hunt, what happens to the precious beetles? Strapya thought to save the beetles by putting them on the iPhone case.
It’s like you have a stuffed animal on your iPhone. Only this time, the size makes it possible for you to bring it anywhere and of course, since it’s an iPhone case.

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