HardlyWork.in allows users to convert their Facebook activity to an unassuming Excel sheet.

Lovely Facebook. When history is written, how shall ye be judged? Big questions aside, seen below is an Excel spreadsheet. But wait, it’s not! It’s a Faceook feed! What? Yes, a Facebook feed in disguise. See, there’s this website called HardlyWork.in that allows users to convert their Facebook activity to an unassuming Excel sheet. The funny part is everything that’s written on the faux Excel sheet is a newsfeed. .As the perpetual curse of tyrannical employers and stiff office environments, Facebook is probably responsible for so much lost productivity, it’s no use calculating the amount.
Anyway, having contemplated Facebook, it seems that it isn’t so bad to be using it at work. It would be downright ridiculous if you aren’t on Facebook when you spend the 9 to 5 in, say, an ad agency or a media outlet. There’s more news happening within the social networking space than any traditional beat. (Duh.)
So unless you’re in a sensitive line of work like the military, nuclear plants, or public office, professional ethics may demand you curb Facebook use. But who are we to preach?
Oh right, this post is about HardlyWork.in. Check it out, it’s pretty cool.
Here’s a question for the fans reading this: At the place you work in, how much time do employees usually spend on Facebook?

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